We will be temporarily closed to allow our family to attend both our eldest son’s wedding & our niece’s. We apologize for the inconvenience.
08/13 – 08/26 (2024)
03/07 – 03/27 (2025)
The Amaro family purchased the farm eight years ago from the family that homesteaded it. Since that time the family has been working tirelessly to restore and preserve its presence. As the second-ever family to take ownership of this special piece of San Juan history, our goal is to educate, raise awareness, and ...
Beyond staying stocked with a wide variety of farming supplies, wool products, and all things sheep related - we also maintain a staff of dedicated & expert team members who are able to advise you regarding any supplies or services you may need. With years of experience under their belts, the knowledge of ...
If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact us.